Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her
Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her: The Podcast
Hanging out with Jessica Doris Dube

Hanging out with Jessica Doris Dube

Episode #8

My friend Jessica Doris Dube. Wow. If you haven’t noticed yet, I am really blessed in the very cool, very impressive friend department. Jessica is truly one of the coolest and most interesting people I know. From her exciting career as a screenwriter, to her ceramics small business to riding horses, she excels at everything she does and I am endlessly inspired by her.

In this conversation we chat about everything from relationships and feeling a bit sheepish about our tradwife tendencies, to what a career in screenwriting looks like and also getting tattoos we might not want but go through with anyway. This is a great listen and I know you’re going to love it.

Find Jessica’s ceramics at or on IG at inlieuofwriting and make sure to check out Season 2 of Mr and Mrs Smith!! Thank you for being on the pod, Dube, I love you!!

Thank you as always to Mitch Kenny for the best theme song of all time.

Have a great week!!


Discussion about this podcast

Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her
Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her: The Podcast
Like a blog, but it's me talking.