Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her
Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her: The Podcast
Test, test, is this thing on?

Test, test, is this thing on?

Warning: I say "put it out there" a lot in this intro but I don't want to re-record it because if I do, it will devolve into absolute stiff weirdness and then I'll never post anything ever.

I’ve thought about starting a podcast for years. Who hasn’t? I happened to move home to Atlanta three weeks before the first lock down and, like a lot of people, I wanted to use those “two weeks,” which then turned into a month which then turned into years, productively. I started a podcast called, I Just Moved Back in with my Parents. (As you can tell, titling is one of my greatest strengths.) My incredibly talented friend, Mitch, made me a theme song, I made some cover art and I recorded one episode thirty times from my childhood bedroom. I felt like I couldn’t get it right so I gave up and went about my life creating a sourdough starter and sewing a few skirts. But here I am now, three years later and I honestly don’t care anymore about judging myself or what I’m making. I just wanna do shit and put it out there because it’s what I find fun and rewarding. If you enjoy it, I hope you will subscribe to my Substack and continue to have fun reading and listening. With all that written, I hope you will enjoy whatever I say here in this very first episode of, “Yeah, I’d Hang out with Her, The Podcast.”

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Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her
Yeah, I'd Hang Out With Her: The Podcast
Like a blog, but it's me talking.