Hey y’all.

Welcome to Yeah, I’d Hang Out With Her. This is a weekly Substack with other bi-weekly and monthly goodies thrown into the mix. Every Monday, I write you an essay about what I’ve been pondering during the week. Sometimes stream of consciousness, sometimes a structured reflection on a topic, usually light and hopefully funny, I want you to feel relaxed and in good company when you’re here. I’m so happy to have you.

All Artwork is by my mother, Bonnie Lynn Felton, lynnfelton.com

I’m Brittany. I grew up in the suburbs outside of Atlanta, Georgia (if you’re from here, OTP.) At 12, inspired by Sarah Michelle Gellar’s stunning portrayal of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I decided I wanted to be an actress. Majoring in Drama at the University of Georgia, I attended The Williamstown Theatre Festival after college and then promptly moved to New York City to pursue my dreams. After 5 years, I decided it was better to be broke somewhere warmer and moved to Los Angeles where I spent the next 8 years expanding my dreams. In 2020, I didn’t want to be broke anywhere anymore and figured it was time to head home. I arrived back in Georgia 3 weeks before Pandemic times and very gratefully rode that out with my parents. Now, I am blissfully settled in Atlanta, the city I consider my home and favorite place I’ve ever lived. I’m a writer, editor, producer, home baker, restaurant professional, with an ever-expanding list of interests and ventures. Thanks for checking out my Substack. I hope you’ll hang around for awhile!

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Basically like hanging out. *Memoir Essay every Monday plus a monthly Podcast and Cooking Show.*


Brittany Felton is a writer living in Atlanta, Georgia. She spends most of her time in restaurants.